Victory Parade will be held in War Thunder – virtually – review

This year marks 75 years since the moment when representatives of the German High Command signed the act of unconditional surrender. But because of the coronavirus pandemic, the traditional parade on Red Square has been postponed.

Company Gaijin entertainment will hold its own virtual parade, and not easy. In Game War thunder will recreate the very first Victory Parade, which took place in September 1945 in Berlin.

Everyone will be able to watch a game reconstruction of the historic Berlin Victory Parade with the participation of thousands of soldiers and officers of the armies of the USSR, USA, Great Britain and France, as well as Marshal Georgy Zhukov, General George Patton, Major General Brian Robertson and General Marie-Pierre Koenig.

Video recording will be available on YouTubeChannel War Thunder May 9, at 01:01 Moscow time – exactly 75 years after the end of World War II.

For the virtual parade in War Thunder, they made only one serious departure from the historical canon. Yak, Mustang and Spitfire combat aircraft were added to it. The Gaijin Entertainment team pays tribute to the pilots of World War II.

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