On September 19, the Dota 2 Battle Pass expires, and Battle Pass holders will The International 2023 still haven’t received the Immortal Treasure III. On reddit, users create their own versions of treasures, write complaints about Valve and publish funny videos on the topic.
Dota subreddit at the moment:
Source: reddit
Someone is waiting for the Immortal Treasure III from Warlock.
Source: reddit u / fscasiple
And one of the users drew attention to the fact that no one wants to know how Immortal Treasure III feels now.
Source: reddit u / Call_me_Wo
Dota 2 fans create their own versions of items from the third treasure.
1/4 Source: reddit
Flam3ss made a video of Ursa and Aghanim trying to get hold of the Immortal Treasure III. In the videos, the author also left various references to moments from Dota 2.
FearSC has threatened to redo the Crystal Maiden tattoo to Janna if Treasure 3 isn’t released on September 16.
Source: reddit FearSC
One of the users recalled the annual languid wait and the publication of Team Empire 2016 on this matter.
The story is the same every year.
On September 9, a screenshot of possible items from Immortal Treasure III appeared online. The treasure will be available to Battle Pass holders. In 2019, Immortal Treasure III for TI9 was released in early August.