On the canvas of human history a lot of red shades. This blood shed in wars, inherent in every age. From the dawn of civilization to modern struggles. For thousands of years people are destroying their own kind of wealth, territory and … ideals. The latter often serves as a catalyst for civil war – the worst of all.
It involves in the bloody terror of all, no one is spared, grinds fate, placing slogans above the living. In the history of many examples of such bloody conflicts that want to strike, but the price paid is too high.
However, in works of art, starting with the revolt of Spartacus (about 73 -…. 71 BCE) to the French Revolution (from July 14, 1789 on November 9, 1799), and further, the pen masters created a heroic image all those dark events: the struggle for freedom.
Gustaf Wappers. “Episode of the September Days”, 1834
This idea has gone through hundreds of stories, first the book, then the cinematic, and then more modern – video game. We are also interested in this case the latter. Lots of examples! Suffice it to recall a series of Red Faction , or the Homefront: of The Revolution , or future Wolfenstein II of: of The the New of Colossus . In all of them the main theme – the struggle against the oppressors, the liberation from the yoke of the invaders, etc. Understand the motives of heroic epics.
However, igrostroy capable of producing not only the “plain meaning”, but also quality satire. That is to say, sketches on the theme. One of these – the game from Pocketwatch the Game (known by Monaco: for What’s Yours Is Mine ) – rts about the Civil War in the entourage of anthropomorphic animals steampunk called Tooth and Tail’s , which was released on September 12. And we have to admit, this is something special.
riot creatures
Tooth and Tail offers a plunge into the events of the civil war, humanized animals. Not in the cold tones of truth, and in the warm tones of humor and satire. The leitmotif of the game is the conflict in society, namely the battle for food – meat. That is, in fact, anecdotal situation: who will eat first.
Here are just here all seriously. Seemingly endowed with humanlike intelligence beasts must rise above the instincts, but no. There want all the food and become – at all. This is just to shine a caricature of the modern world, where instead of eating (so far) fighting over oil and other resources, placing them above lives. And if not – an allusion to apartheid.
The fire of hatred in the eyes of context emphasizes the seriousness
Whatever it was, this “bickering”, like the real-life examples from history, leads to revolution, which in turn divides the game world into warring camps. There are four: Longcoats, Commonfolk, KSR and Civilized , and, as in any “strike”, here Verkhovod their leaders, whom also four: Belaffid (English Bellafide.), Hopper (born Hopper.), Quartermaster (English The Quartermaster. ) and Archimedes (eng. Archimedes). Oh, and round off all the colors: red, blue, yellow and green, each with its own in this quartet. A good deposit for rts, agree, but serious differences in motivation no fractions. Typical gang of rebels, with the sole aim – not to fall into the pot. So that all the opposition in the future, rather, is the entourage that in the present case is admissible. All semantic contentAnd Tail’s Tooth – this sketch on the theme “Feral Revolution”.
The leaders of the revolution, left to right: Belaffid, Hopper, quartermaster, Archimedes
And the story is perceived in the single player campaign, which the authors called a large-scale … and not deceived. It is really big, yes, but due to the nature of the gameplay is passed entry of. Barely reaching the middle, easily understand what made the main push … and this is clearly not the story.
fights dynamics
And Tail’s Tooth – in real-time strategy, yes. Pocketwatch Game and then no one cheated. Here are just filed this genre through an interesting combination of a mechanic.
At the head of all, it indirect control of the base and soldiers. In the management of the players only the leader, commander … in short, a character with a banner, which is a kind of “voice of the revolution” and tells everyone what to do. Just as the philosopher of Okhlos: Omega (. Ed in 2016 Devolver the Digital ) or Master of a series of Overlord . Controlling it, the player is building a base and is headed by the attack, which imposes its own characteristics in the whole process.
Construction of the base is somewhat similar to the game of the genre tower defense , as well as a series of Warhammer 40,000: of Dawn of War – the capture of strategic points with resources. The main building here – mill, indicating the zone of influence (the border, where you can build). Around it are scattered squares of fields, generating the only resource in the game – the food. Food consumed in the construction of buildings that produce soldiers automatically according to specific timekeeping, as well as defensive structures like bunkers. That is, the entire management is the allocation of resources between the main development of the next strategic position and the construction of “barracks” for army recruitment.