The trial between Apple and Epic Games in pictures – sketches from the courtroom

Eight sketches from the process between Apple and Epic Games have appeared online. Since in some states of the United States, photographing and filming in courts is prohibited, this is the only way to visually cover meetings. Sketches by artist Vicky Beringer were published by The Verge portal.



In Boehringer’s drawings, you can see what precautions were taken during the court sessions – the seats of the judge and witness were fenced with glass, and all speakers wore plastic shields. According to the artist, there were a lot of people in the hall – more than she could portray. Each side was represented by numerous teams of lawyers – lawyers changed positions after each change of witnesses.

The trial between Apple and Epic Games ended on May 24. It is still unknown when the decision will be made – the judge needs to study about 4.5 thousand pages with testimony and other data.

Epic Games Attorney Opening and Building a Wall Around iOS Presentation | Artist: Vicky Behringer | Source: