The Plane Effect dystopia release was postponed to September 23 – Igromania

Studios Innovina and StudioKiku together with the publishing house PQube Limited were about to release an adventure dystopia The plane effect 12th of August. However, these plans were not destined to come true: the creators of the game announced about delaying the release.

The Plane Effect will be released on September 23rd on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. The developers have assured that they are working hard to ensure that the game is released at the highest quality on all supported platforms, and apologized for the delay.

The Plane Effect tells the strange story of one trip: an ordinary office clerk goes home at the end of the working day and discovers that some supernatural anomaly has invaded his life and he does not understand what happened to the world.

The Plane Effect - Prologue Animation

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