For example, the developers were preparing a set of counselor suits Slumber party for a party in pajamas. Keltner even set up a real phone number, 1800, that would act like an automated sex line, with counselors pre-written for her in the style of silly commercials from the 1980s and 1990s. But the idea was recognized as “commercially viable.”
The developers planned to expand Prom Packthat would allow a graduation party to be held at the Crystal Lake camp with tuxedos, ball gowns, dances and punch. They planned to make a punch bowl out of a bird drinker, but then “gave” it to Jason for one of the finishing touches.

Finally, the game mode “Paranoia”, reminiscent of Among Us. The game would have started without the villain, but players could find the mask and transform into Jason. At the same time, to change clothes, they would have to hide in closets and closets, and if the owner of the mask was killed in a “peaceful” mode, he would drop the mask, and another could pick it up.
I think that enough time has passed to be able to tell about all this. I know that reading this will be interesting and bitter. Someone will be upset, someone will decide that the ideas are great, someone will get angry. I understand this anger, I feel it too. But I would like you all to know: we loved this movie series and this game. We had big plans. And we thought that our ideas would seem funny, interesting and worthwhile to you. I wish everything turned out differently.
Wes Keltner
We even drew a poster in the style of Italian horror films for the unreleased regime.