The founder of XYZ told how his business was taken away – Igromania

We summarize the message in a thesis.

Igor invited assistants to the company to help with marketing and operational activities. By that time, he was already tired and burnt out, which is why the “assistants” were able to penetrate deeply into the processes rather quickly and successfully scaled up the project. Dyatlov could not keep up.

It felt like I was running a marathon for the fourth year, and then several new runners appeared at once, they are faster, more cheerful, but they are not running with me, but flying far ahead. I should have just stopped, but I didn’t.“.

Instead of resting and rethinking the processes, Dyatlov gave both of them an equal share of the business – now each had a third. Parallel to this, the “assistants” were doing something of their own within Dyatlov’s company, but he did not have the strength and attention to follow their every step.

Igor was losing his mind more and more, trying to cope with the tasks set – but he did not succeed. Then there were thoughts to leave, although “how can you leave your own business?”. The answer was found while on vacation in St. Petersburg.

Then all access and passwords from everything that I managed to share were stolen from me. From mail, VK, YouTube, Telegram, Trello, Figma, Slack, Dropbox and even from personal mail – there is simply no access from anything, they changed all passwords, kicked me out of the admin panels.

Paranoia played out to the fullest, and I closed access to the bank account (I was still mine)


After that, Dyatlov spent the whole night in conversations with one of the “assistants”, who threatened him with a trial for blocking access to a bank account. In the morning, the second wrote that they would no longer work with the founder.

At that moment, I was released. I realized that I really just can never work with them and not communicate. Yes, for this you have to sacrifice your business, but on the other side of the scale is order inside and the ability to do a new business with people whom I trust“.

As a result, the parties signed an agreement – Dyatlov gave access to everything and could not create competing projects for two years, and in return received “a decent heap of money.”

Igor notes that he himself made a bunch of mistakes and is guilty that he gave so much authority to people who were completely alien to him. Now he is engaged in his own recording studio. mmmesss

There are plans to return, and although the ban is legally void – dudes know how to get and threaten so that you never want to mess with them again. So I’m waiting for spring“.

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