“The first real test for our team.” Solo spoke about Virtus.pro’s preparations for DreamLeague Leipzig Major

Composition captain Virtus.pro by Dota 2 Alexey Solo Berezin told how the Russian team is preparing for DreamLeague Leipzig Major. According to him, the upcoming tournament in Germany will be the first full test for his team in the new season.

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About the release of patches before tournaments

“In the patch that came out before the major, there were minor changes in the balance of the heroes, very superficial. But the patch that came out when we flew to Singapore on a plane quite seriously affected the gameplay. Firstly, the talents for experience were removed from the game, and all the heroes with whom they had become weaker. They gained experience at the expense of outposts and many people used strategies with such heroes as Skywrath Mage, Weaver, Shadow Demon. Plus Outposts began to give experience once every 10 minutes, and not 5, which also affected.

In general, there are patches that affect strongly, and there are those that affect superficially. The patch that came out in front of the minor had a slight effect on the game, and the patch that came out in front of Singapore ー he influenced quite a lot, we had several heroes from our strategies, we stopped taking them. And how do I feel about this? Yes, everything is on an equal footing, plus or minus. It is clear that someone is preparing some heroes, someone else. It is very difficult to find such time intervals so that it does not affect anyone. Minor passes, major passes, qualifies for minor, the following non-DPC tournaments – always someone will suffer from this. When they consider it necessary, then let them release patches. ”

About preparing for DreamLeague Leipzig Major

“We made a lot of friends with anyone. With almost all the European teams from those who play. Those who were in minor were not made up, obviously. Played a bit with Evil geniuses, from Natus vincere a bit. We played a lot, 6 scrims a day. I can’t say that someone remembered something.

I don’t care who to play with. Moreover, I would like to have participated in this major and Og, and PSG.LGD. The stronger the composition of the participants, the more interesting the tournament. It will be a good experience for Yegor and Vitalik. We were completely raw on the ESL, in front of Singapore we were also not in the best condition, given the patch. Now we had time, so this will be the first real test for our team. ”

DreamLeague Leipzig Major will be held from January 18 to 26 in Germany. 16 teams will play a million dollars and 15 thousand points Dota Pro Circuit.