According to the director, he is not against continuing the story, but for this he will need a larger budget. In addition, from the point of view of the economy of Hollywood, the first film cannot be called a financial hit. But it’s quite cultural.
But the problem with cult paintings is that they often do not find a mass audience, and that is what producers usually look at. The first film grossed $ 16 million at a box office with a budget of $ 3 million.
However, the producer Jason Bloom, whose studio, among others, was engaged in the production of the original, also does not exclude the possibility of a sequel. Although there are no specific plans.
In addition, Bloom said that he invited Wonnel to horror about some famous monster like Dracula or Frankenstein, but the director eventually chose the Invisible Man. The release of his rethinking of a familiar story will take place on March 5.
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