According to him, the scene of the first picture will remain a small American town, and the events of the film on Fatal Frame will unfold in Japan. The director does not want to go far from the original sources.
It is noteworthy that it was Gan who directed the original Silent Hill film, which many still consider the best video game adaptation because of the perfect combination of the elements of the source with the format of the full-length film.
As the director admits, the adaptation of 2006 was created without production problems, and after the start of global distribution, Christophe felt satisfaction, since few French directors manage to achieve this.
At the same time, Gan did not look at the continuation of the picture from Michael Bassett, which was initially offered to do to him.
However, I refused when I realized the desire of the producers – they want a tape like the film adaptations of Resident Evil. I wanted to remain faithful to the original source.
Christoph Gan
But Gan does not regret, because the audience met the continuation of Silent Hill very negatively, and his film still recalls with warmth.