Terraria’s circulation has exceeded 35 million copies – Igromania

Independent studio Re-Logic announced that the circulation of her sandbox Terraria exceeded 35 million copies.

In a little less than a year, the authors of Terraria sold an additional 5 million copies. The PC version remains the best selling one.

  • PC – 17.2 million copies (14 million)
  • consoles – 8.5 million copies (7.6 million)
  • mobile devices – 9.3 million copies (8.7 million)

sales in parentheses a year earlier

Also, the developers note that Terraria hit the first line of the top 250 best games. Steam according to players’ reviews, overtaking Portal 2

This year, the authors plan to release the Journey’s End update on consoles and add support for the Steam Workshop, and crossplay may appear in the game in the future.

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