Live broadcasting can be difficult even for TV presenters with years of experience. Streamers are all the more not immune from technical problems and curious situations. However, lags or an accidentally pronounced word with the letter N are not all the troubles that can happen to streamers. Some content makers manage to fall asleep live, others fall prey to their pet or even burn down their own apartment. The strangest and craziest curiosities on streams – in the material
Smoking is dangerous, especially while streaming
Streamers often have something on fire during broadcasts, and not only the areas below the back. Often, many people forget about the included stove or chicken left in the oven. However, a Japanese Minecraft streamer under the nickname Daasukesurpassed his colleagues. During the broadcast, he decided to take a smoke break, but do it in an unusual way. The Japanese man soaked a match in a combustible mixture and tried to light it on a container with fuel that had spilled. The match flared too much, so the Japanese got scared and threw it in the direction of the cardboard boxes. The result was predictable – the fire began to grow, and the streamer was unable to extinguish it himself. As a result, the Japanese apartment completely burned down, and the fire had to be extinguished for more than six hours.
Jean-Claude Van Damme from the streamer world
Streamers around the world have probably broken dozens of devices and monitors in recent years. Most of them just occasionally throw a mouse or a controller on emotions, but the streamer Dellor has built his image on such expressive actions. He does not regret devices and takes out anger at them on almost every broadcast after unsuccessful games. However, one day Dellor surpassed himself – after dying in Apex Legends, he took a keyboard and smashed it on his own head. Twitch did not appreciate this act of vandalism and self-torture and banned the streamer’s channel.
The cat is generally a constant companion of Alinity on streams, while he often becomes a source of problems for the girl. The community has repeatedly taken up arms against Alinity following pet incidents. The girl threw her cat across the room several times, and once even gave him vodka to drink. Animal advocates and ordinary viewers did not appreciate such displays of love for a pet.
Maddison shoots his channel
In the spring of 2019, Maddison staged the most spectacular and talked about performance in the history of Russian-language streaming. Davydov, playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R., decided to show that he has exactly the same pistol as the main character. The streamer demonstrated the weapon to the audience, then took aim and “accidentally” fired into the wall. After that, Maddison interrupted the broadcast in dismay. Twitch almost immediately blocked Davydov’s channel.
As Maddison himself later said, the whole scene was a production recorded earlier, and the pistol was a bogeyman with a welded barrel, only imitating the sound of a shot. Davydov sent all the evidence to the Twitch administration, and soon his channel was unbanned.
Most unusual UFC fight
The streamer AJ Lester definitely has a sense of humor and resourcefulness. He found an unusual way to get around the piracy ban on Twitch. During the broadcast, AJ Lester launched a live broadcast of the UFC fight and at the same time held the controller in his hands, pretending that he was controlling the fighters. The trick that Ostap Bender would have liked did not go unnoticed by the administration of the streaming platform, so the AJ Lester channel received a well-deserved ban.
Have you already pissed on my son?
Intense skating rink, screaming and swearing in Discord, nerves at the limit and then a sudden voice: “Vladik, son, go get some bread already” – this scene is straight out of the nightmares of many schoolchildren. But what if the parents intervene not only in the game, but also in the live broadcast? The SDSocrates streamer had the imprudence to leave the stream turned on while going to the toilet. This moment was used by his mother. She burst into the air and … thanked the viewers for supporting her son, told how important streams are to him, and even sang a song for subscribers. This video balances on the verge of krinzh and cuteness.
SDSocrates himself, when he found out about an unexpected guest who visited the stream, did not quarrel with his mother, but, on the contrary, reacted very positively and thanked her for her concern.
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