Tag: video
University “Synergia” conducted a survey among schoolchildren and students on video games. It turned out that the average playing time 47% of respondents increased by an hour or more …
Studio V1 Interactive creator Halo Marcus Lehto demonstrated a new video from an unusual shooter storyline campaign Disintegrationwhich is being developed for Playstation 4, Xbox one and PC. The …
As part of last night’s presentation Inside xbox studio developers Hello gamesfamous for the game No man’s sky, demonstrated the first gameplay footage of their new project – adventure …
This week came out Resident evil 3 remake. The game does not officially support ray tracing, but this did not stop the modders from correcting this misunderstanding. On the …
Embargo on Valorant was asleep, and tactical shooter videos began to appear on the Web. In a new publication Arekkz gaming demonstrated a full match on the map Haven …
Company Facebook stopped supporting Samsung Gear VR. This means that users will no longer have in-app movies available. Oculus video and photos in Oculus 360 Photo. Samsung Gear VR …
88 year old grandmother named Audrey, made famous last year thanks to my love of the game Animal Crossing: New Leaf for Nintendo 3DSwhich she spent more 4,000 hours, …
Ministry of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media of Russia recommended IT companies to take measures to reduce the load on the Internet infrastructure. This was reported by the …
Preoccupied with filming the sequel, “Suicide squad” producer James gunn, answering various questions from fans on Twitter, including regarding the third part “Guardians of the Galaxy“, named his favorite …
Publishing house Playstack announced role-playing action Mortal shell from studio Cold symmetry for Playstation 4, Xbox one and PC. The release of the game is scheduled for the third …