Tag: review
05/19/2020 21:05 If the video does not play1. Basic: Update your browser and install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.2. Try logging in through a different browser.3. Disable …
In the beginning of May Electronic arts announced the ninth addition “Green life»To the life simulator The sims 4. And now I’ve told a number of details about what …
Group Analysts “M. Video-Eldorado” announced that sales of games on the Nintendo Switch exceeded those on the Xbox One – both in terms of number of copies and monetary …
In australian PS Store Remaster sales started briefly Mafia ii, which some managed to get and try. The first players were disappointed. On PS4 Pro, the game often works …
CPU Review Embargo Expires Tomorrow Intel Core i9-10900K. But Chinese enthusiasts have already published the first data comparing new products of the tenth generation with AMD Ryzen 9 3900X …
Despite a 35% weekly drop in sales, Animal Crossing: New Horizons holds the lead in the UK retail chart for the second week in a row. Also retained its …
Organizers gamescom 2023 after the cancellation of the traditional exhibition, they shared plans for a digital event. It will take place a few days later: from August 27 to …
Ubisoft introduced a 7-minute operation video Steel wave for Rainbow six siege, talking about key innovations. To begin with, the leaks turned out to be true: protector Melusi can …
Microsoft will not release a tablet this year Surface neo with two screens and running Windows 10X. The reason for this is problems with Win32 container emulation. The company …
This week for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare A major update will be released with many innovations. Among the most interesting: in the multiplayer cards Hardhat (“6 on 6”) …