Tag: play
Studio Infinity ward reported about adding to the royal battle Call of duty: warzone long-requested ability to play in pairs. Also developers reminded that with the release of a …
This week, Sony has updated the official section of the next generation PlayStation 5 console, where it noted several distinctive features of the system. Among them are iron, games …
Earlier this month, we reported that the famous Hollywood actress Cate blanchett is in talks with the film company Lionsgate regarding his participation in the film adaptation of the …
If you have not managed to play last year’s shooter Far cry 5 from Ubisoft then the coming weekend publisher will provide you have such a chance, and on …
Modder Dangel_deviliono released for hardcore action Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice modification that replaces the standard protagonist blade with Anakin’s lightsaber from the franchise “star Wars“ Moreover, if desired, you …
Following a separate issue State of play for the game Ghost of Tsushima company Sony announced a similar broadcast dedicated entirely to another upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive – The …
In April 2010 Microsoft disconnected the first generation Xbox console from Xbox Live 1.0. Since then, fans of the original consoles can no longer play among themselves in online …
A few years ago the company Valve announced the work on a full-fledged Chinese version of its client Steam, which, as planned, will meet all the requirements of the …
Company Sony Interactive Entertainment officially announced the annual global sale “Time to play“. This time, however, the timing of the action was decided to set in different regions on …
Studio Cloud imperium games holds another action of free access to the space simulator Star citizen. You can play the largest and most ambitious project for 11 days, until …