Simultaneously with the premiere of a major expansion “Bloody money“for Red dead online computer version of western Red dead redemption 2 received long-awaited technology support DLSS from NVIDIA… It …
In a number of Western and Asian countries, the cost of current video cards from leading manufacturers is showing a steady decline. It’s about the ruler GeForce RTX 30 …
Electronic Arts and DICE announced that the PC version Battlefield 2042 will receive support for two current NVIDIA technologies: DLSS and Reflex. Recall that DLSS is NVIDIA’s proprietary technology …
A few weeks ago the company Microsoft confirmed that Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S will receive official support for new supersampling technology in the future FidelityFX Super …
Six years after the release of the action role-playing game “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt“does not have time to become outdated visually thanks to the active support of the …
Players Rainbow six siege noticed that the shooter is already using DLSS 2.2 – this version has not yet been officially presented, so it is not known what innovations …
Company AMD officially presented the technology FidelityFX Super Resolution, which journalists immediately dubbed the answer to DLSS from NVIDIA… It will debut on June 22, 2023 and will be …
Number of Ray Tracing and DLSS-enabled games per PC rose to 130, the company announced NVIDIA… And in the near future, the list will continue to expand. “The rapid …
The latter, which is one and a half times faster than the 2080 Ti, will be available from June 3 at a price of $ 1199 (at the current …
Company NVIDIA dated some announcement planned for 1st June in 8:00 in Moscow within the framework of the exhibition Computex 2023… The presentation will be available live on the …