Tag: Games for Kids
Studio 11 bit announced that it is about to release its post-apocalyptic strategy Frostpunk to mobile platforms on Android and iOS. However, it has not yet been announced when …
Analyst NPD Group Matt Piscatella reportedthat in January 2023, U.S. residents spent $ 678 million on video game products, which is 26% lower than in January 2019. Performance declined …
The performer of the role of the young Nathan Drake in the film adaptation Uncharted Tom Holland (Avengers Final, Spider-Man: Away from Home) in conversation with IGN stated that …
Publishing house Deep silver and studio Ys net announcedthat February 18 will release a new addition to the adventure game Shenmue III. Set Story quest pack will be free …
Small independent Estonian studio GRüN released in Steam adventure detective Green Elephant: Epilogue. The name does not accidentally look familiar: this is a kind of afterword to the events …
02/14/2020 23:54 | 7 minutes 59 sec If the video does not play1. Basic: Update your browser and install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.2. Try logging in …
Developers Fallout 76 talked about allies, special NPCs that will appear in the game after the update Wastelanders. Some of them can be settled in their own camp, if …
What was the unusual hybrid Destiny, Borderlands and Gears of War? In the rubric “In plain text” authors express their own opinion only, which may not coincide with the …
After a little leak Square enix announced the launch of pre-orders “Avengers“, And also presented three editions and the cover of the action movie. In digital stores, you can …
Bethesda has prepared a 60-second trailer Doom eternal, which in a short time tells about everything you need to know, namely: DOOM Eternal is an epic storyline campaign where …