Tag: Dark
German edition Cerealkillerz published a preview of the horror The Dark Pictures: Little Hopein which he spoke in detail about the upcoming game. Pete samuels, general manager Supermassive games …
Studio Supermassive games shared her opinion about not so long ago submitted Sony Interactive Entertainment the controller Dualense. Now developers are engaged in horror The Dark Pictures: Little Hope …
Models Michael Muraki and Anastasia Miramarta presented cosplay in the theme of Bloodborne. They recreated the images of the Hunter, Doll and Lady Mary from the Astral Clock Tower, …
After the announcement of the PC version Horizon Zero Dawn many PC gamers there was hope see other major exclusives over time Sony on his favorite platform, and among …
Studio Supermassive games introduced the first full-fledged trailer for an interactive thriller The Dark Pictures: Little Hopeformally announced last year. This is the second chapter in horror anthology. The …
Company Playstack and development studio Cold symmetry published new gameplay fragments inspired by the series Dark souls dark role-playing action Mortal shell. 10-second clips allow you to look at …
December 13th Gearbox software officially announced the first game for Playstation 5 – a lighter slasher called Godfall. Then the creative director of the project is Keith Lee, who …
Streamer SuperLouis64which earlier played Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on drums for Donkey Kong, again showed his level of ingenuity and skill. Now the gamer has adapted the controller …
Publishing house Playstack announced role-playing action Mortal shell from studio Cold symmetry for Playstation 4, Xbox one and PC. The release of the game is scheduled for the third …
Publishing house Bethesda and studio ZeniMax Online introduced a new trailer for a major IMO update The elder scrolls onlinewhich received the name Greymoor. The video demonstrates new locations. …