Tag: Dark
We are sharing with you a new selection of great cosplay. Miss Fortune – League of Legends The first heroine of today’s collection is the widely known Miss Fortune …
During Inside xbox creators of the Giger horror Scorn from the serbian studio Ebb software announced that the game will be released on Xbox one and will be optimized …
Film company Warner bros together with IGN introduced a new excerpt from the cartoon Dark Justice League: War of the Apocalypse. In it you can see how John Constantine, …
Numerous comic book writer DC and show runner “Stargirl“Jeff Jones is creating the series”Green torch»As an executive producer with HBO. The series was discovered on the site of the …
AT Epic Games Store The set of games that can be picked up for free has changed. Until May 7, everyone can get in full possession Amnesia: The Dark …
Twitter and forum night Resetet There was information about the next selection of free games for subscribers PS Plus. Allegedly in May, players will receive Dying light and Dark …
Why not start Monday with beautiful cosplay? Look at Anastasia Matyash, which elegantly reincarnated in the image of the Guardian of the fire from Dark souls III. The keepers …
The network has new information about the first project of an internal studio Microsoft, which is called The initiative. The data was caught from the profile of a technical …
Modder Evelyn Schwab released for Dark Souls: Remastered new high resolution texture pack 6 GB, which improves the appearance of objects, opponents and the environment. When creating an add-on …
April 20 in Japanese Twitter an anime industry trend has surfaced. Fans are thrilled by the problems caused by the coronavirus. Experts say that recording studios pose a threat …