Tag: Changed
Designers who worked to upgrade the armies of the Scourge and the Burning Legion demons in Warcraft III: Reforged revealed details about the creation of new models. In the …
The company has chosen the term “entertainment” to reflect its essence: it strives to create a variety of entertainment content, offering gamers around the world innovative concepts, inventive gameplay …
The creator of custom modifications Scissors123454321 has released a release version of his global mod Full Gameplay Rebalance… As the name suggests, it has overhauled most aspects of the …
Probably, in a few days we will have a new global update for Dota 2 – 7.30. In anticipation of this Cybersport.ru decided to check how well you are …
A week ago, Hearthstone was released, it’s scary to think, the 18th addon – “United by Stormwind”. And while the most successful and popular CCG in the history of …
With the release of the update Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker a new class will appear in the game, the healer Sage. And his presentation caused an unexpected reaction from …
The British Film Classification Board has changed the age ratings of several popular films on the grounds of “social change.” Most of the feeds changed the rating from PG …
Kirill Boombl4 Mikhailov and Daniil Zeus Teslenko decided to change images, Valdemar valde Wangse and Linus Limmp Blomdin celebrated birthdays and Jaroslav pashaBiceps Jarzombkowski hit the cover of a …
Creators Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection told that you will have to change the resolution in the collection on the PC through the game parameters on Steam. In total, the …
In April, the studio Jankenteam and publishing Merge Games announced that a remake of the classic platformer Alex kidd in miracle world will be released on June 24th. Now …