Tag: Buy Sell game Items
As part of the reorganization of the creative group Ubisoft Maxim Beland returned to the company. The specialist was a leading designer and creative leader Rainbow Six: Vegas (2006), …
Claire Murdoch, head of England’s state mental health service for mental health, said in her report that video games with lootboxes addictiveness to children and encourage them to gamble. …
There is no official confirmation that Nvidia will unveil its new GPUs in March, and Chinese sources are already reporting possible specifications for the new cards. According to MyDrivers, …
Company AMD reiterated her previous words that we will see “Big navyĀ»GPU already this year. Company CEO Lisa Su said the next-generation video card on architecture RNDA2 already under …
Capcom presented a development plan Monster Hunter World: Iceborne for the next six months, announcing that from April updates for the console and computer versions of the role-playing action …
Action movie Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot released on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and has already received excellent reviews in Steam. Players note that the game came out …
Japanese role-playing action movie Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana unlucky from the very beginning: the release was postponed due to technical problems, but the developers could not cope with …
The past year has become for Ubisoft disappointing: The division 2 did not live up to expectations, but Ghost recon breakpoint failed miserably. The French company took what happened …
Nearing the premiere of the film “Sonic at the cinema“, In which live and animated actors will be combined. The American premiere is scheduled for February 14, and in …
We already partially touched upon what was said during this 30-minute conversation, including the second game of the studio, focus on optimizing Cyberpunk for the current generation of consoles …