Speedrunner completed The Last of Us on “realism” difficulty in 2 hours 48 minutes – Igromania

Speedrunner Anthony Caliber completed the first part The last of us on “realism” in just 2 hours 48 minutes – this is a new world record.

The record break took place on August 20 and was broadcast live on the streamer’s Twitch channel. In the “realism” mode, enemies become more tenacious, and ammunition and materials for crafting come across less often. It is worth noting that the speedrun passed without the help of various glitches, which means that the passage of the game was not simplified or complicated in any way.

In total, it took Caliber 2 hours 48 minutes and 58 seconds to set a new record. His previous attempt took 2 hours 49 minutes and 6 seconds.

Caliber is far from new to speedruns: he currently holds the record for most of the catalog. Naughty dogincluding additions The Last of Us: Left Behind, The Last of Us: Part II and the first three games from the series Uncharted

The Last of Us Speedrun World Record! (2:48:58) on Grounded mode (Glitchless)

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