Despite the 21 seasons of the series (plus a movie) and its great international success, the truth is that there are relatively few South Park games . They had their small boom in 1999, when three very different productions were released almost simultaneously, but then we had to wait a decade for two smaller productions to arrive for Xbox Live Arcade (in 2009 and 2012).


Surely, if we analyze each case in depth, I’m sure we discovered a million different factors for which there are so few games of South Park, but the truth is that it is not easy to carry out a production based on this franchise. The previous great success, The rod of


truth, it was in development from 2009 until finally it was launched in 2014, even going through the bankruptcy of THQ, the original publisher of the title.

The great success and the great reception of The Stick of Truth , an excellent RPG that was already a perfect chapter of the series , encouraged Ubisoft, who took the THQ witness, to develop a new release. Discontinued Obsidian to leave the product in


the hands of Ubisoft San Francisco, but the truth is that you do not notice too much change. Trey Parker is still involved in the production as a director and screenwriter (among other names) and, as he himself has commented in interviews, almost left the h


ealth to match the development of the game with the new seasons of the series. And no wonder , Retaguardia en pe

Jettomero: Hero of the Universe

ligro is again a huge productionin which the smallest details are taken care of. Yes, it has lost some freshness with respect to some critical moments of the previous game, but realizing this already means taking out the magnifying glass and expecting a


constant improvement that is not always possible.

South Park: Rearguard in Danger (PC) Screenshot

But it is that the rod of truth came betting very strong and leaving everything upside down. How can you overcome some Nazi fetuses? How can you overcome a scene of an abortion so exaggerated that it was even censored in Europe? It is difficult to exagg


erate further without passing some limits that it is already becoming dangerous to overtake. For that reason, Retaguardia en peligro suffers fro


m having a predecessor that went one step further in almost all the narrative and humorous aspects, but it does not remain behind, but fulfills its role perfectly, being a second very solid delivery, very satisfying and very fun , although maybe less risky.

If the first game was a parody of medieval RPGs, this time the plot presents a story of superheroes. Cartman, aka Raccoon, has to go b


ack in time, to medieval times, to avoid a big problem in the present … or, as some children present it within the game itself, Cartman gets bored of playing medieval combats and he prefers to change to playing superheroes, something that they did at t


he time in the television series (in fact, almost all the heroes of those chapters appear in this game). Cartman is the leader of Raccoon and Friends and dreams of mounting his own film franchise with movies


, TV series, direct DVD releases … well, what Marvel is basically doing. And for that purpose, he gathers all the super team to put him in search of a cat, for which they give a reward of 100 dollars that could be used to finance the productions of the franchise.

South Park: Rearguard in Danger (PC) Screenshot

However, in the same way that Marvel has DC as a staunch enemy, Raccoon and Friends have Freedom colleagues, who also want to set


up their own franchise. But this is South Park and, as we already know for more than two decades, what starts as children’s games always ends up being overly complicated to end up involving all the p


eople. And here it was not going to be less, since during the first third of the game, mafias and prostitutes are already involved, for exa


mple. We emphasize only that first third to avoid falling into unnecessary destripes, since the less known beyond this point will mean mor


e laughter and surprises throughout the development of the adventure. Only highlight that, as always in the franchise, the laughter is constant and the winks to the history of it are abundant.

They leave practically all the important personages that can occur to us, and if they do not have relevance in the main history they will give us some secondary mission. In our garage we have the collection of chimpokomones, Cartman still has the


fortress of La vara de la verdad in his courtyard, the town has all the emblematic places, et cetera. In fact, the town has changed little since


the previous game, but it is logical given that it is supposed to be a town and, as such, its buildings are not being moved as it is. However, it has much to do and, without realizing it, we see ourselves wandering through its


streets completing all the missions we can. Neither is it a very long game, since it moves around 16-18 hours to do almost everything (according to expertise, you can still go to about 20 hours), so get lost in its streets does not become repetitive or exhausting .