“Sony, we need this game!” Petition in support of the release of Days Gone 2 on the PlayStation 5 has collected over 80 thousand signatures

Launched earlier this month on the site Change.org company appeal petition Sony Interactive Entertainment to release Days gone 2 collected over 80 thousand signatures. The process sped up after the chapter PlayStation Jim Ryan announced under pressure from the public about the decision not to close the store PS Store on consoles Playstation 3 and Playstation vita… Days Gone fans believe he might end up listening to them as well.

“There are millions of people in the world who want Sony to approve Days Gone 2. And I urge them to sign this petition. You can’t just give up on developing a sequel to the amazing game that ended with a cliffhanger,” the author of the petition said.

Earlier, one of the leaders of the development of the first game, Jeff Ross, drew attention to the petition.… He thanked fans and urged the audience to support the movement in support of Days Gone 2.

Now Sony is preparing Days Gone for release on PC… She has never officially spoken out about the sequel to Days Gone.

The cancellation of Days Gone 2, citing his sources, was reported by a journalist Jason Schreier… According to him, the Sony Bend team is now working on a completely new franchise.

Read also: PlayStation 5 owners want to be able to run games from PlayStation, PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 – GameSpot poll