Song in the Smoke will send us to survive in the prehistoric world – review addiction

Studio 17-Bitknown by Skulls of the Shogun and Galak-Z: The Dimensional, announced her new project. This is an adventure RPG survival game Song in the Smoke, which takes place in a prehistoric world full of dangerous creatures.

We enter this beautiful and dangerous fantasy world with bare hands, and we will have to create weapons, tools, clothes and potions that will be needed to protect us from evil predators.

In addition to animals in this world, players are threatened by cold, hunger, poison and exhaustion. So from time to time you will have to seek shelter, make fires and study the medicinal properties of the surrounding plants. And instead of entering into open combat with predators, it is better to look for a way to lay them down from a distance with a well-aimed bow shot.

Song in the Smoke is due out this year on PlayStation VR, Oculus Quest and Oculus Rift.

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