“Slow” Yves Guillemot: Ubisoft employees issued an ultimatum to the boss

Scandal around Activision Blizzard became one of the main topics for numerous discussions in the gaming community. But employees of the French publishing house are especially closely following the situation. Ubisoftwho survived a similar scandal last year.

Despite the assurances of the management of the French publishing house, the media regularly report that the problems at Ubisoft have not gone away. A new piece of information came after the platform was announced Assassin’s Creed Infinity and insights about complex development Skull & Bones.

In addition, several employees have filed a lawsuit against current and former top managers of the publishing house. The CEO is listed among the defendants Yves Guillemot, former vice president Tommy Francois and former chief creative officer Serge Hascoet… While Ubiosft’s management assures that it has implemented the necessary reforms, some developers believe that the leadership is covering some of the leadership team.

When the scandal around Activision Blizzard began, some of the Ubisoft employees decided to adopt the methods of their American colleagues. In particular, Yves Guillemot was handed an open letter signed by 1000 activists who worked or continue to work in 32 divisions of the French publishing house, scattered around the world.

Ubisoft executives have fired only the most public offenders, according to a statement. Many were simply asked to quietly resign or even given a second chance by transferring from one team to another. Although Yves Guillemot talked about important reforms in the fight against harassment, the developers themselves do not believe that the situation has changed dramatically for the better.

“We no longer believe in your willingness to solve these problems. You have to do more, ”the letter says.

In this regard, the activists called on colleagues from other major publishers, including Activision Blizzard, to join forces to develop clear rules for recording and processing reports for such crimes and violations.

Guieimo responded quickly to criticism, but not everyone appreciated his efforts. The head of the publishing house simply reiterated his previous statements, stressing that the company has made significant progress over the past year. In particular, a general corporate audit will be conducted by the end of 2023.

The company is currently looking for candidates for the post of vice president, who will take over global issues of communication with employees. Besides, Anika Grant was appointed to the post of Director of Human Resources.

More detailed information will be published in the third quarter of 2023. Yves Guillemot also urged subordinates not to be afraid to inform him personally about problems.

“I want to emphasize my personal commitment to continuing to improve the workplace culture and to create real, lasting and positive change at Ubisoft,” he explained, trying to soften the impact on his reputation.

The answer from the head of Ubisoft did not satisfy the activists. They stated that Guillemot and his team made empty promises for a year, but they never got rid of all the violators and their allies.

“We want to see some real, fundamental change at Ubisoft and across the industry for the sake of our people. We are looking forward to an answer that will resolve all the issues raised and duly acknowledge our requirements, ”noted the developers.

See also: “Not enough boobs”: Ubisoft and Quantic Dream went to war with the union

Team Cosby and its “cockerels”: The Blizzard scandal is gaining momentum