Sine Mora EX

Every second is precious
First of all we explain in a few words what this title is for all those who have never tried it. Sine Mora follows the story of a group that chooses to fight and resist imperial and oppressive power to peoples, though driven more by personal motives than by a real desire for revolution and justice;the story is well-known within the gameplay and its cutscenes, although some more impatient players may not appreciate the different “dead times” that it involves, but that can also be skipped by making the game incredibly quicker and more adrenaline. For your first match, therefore, we recommend you to take patience and enjoy the story, while from the second onwards feel free to skip all the cutscenes and face a shootout behind each other. 
These pilots also have the particular ability to travel in time to bring the clash in their favor: in terms of gameplay, it means that we will be able, as long as we have enough time capsules, to be able to slow down everything around it us because of our incredible speed; this is a very useful skill in the most dangerous battle phases, when there are a lot of high-speed bullets to dodge.
We will not even have a life bar, but we will have a time limit to complete each goal or battle: this will increase by hitting enemy targets (thus inciting the player to shoot continuously) while we will lose precious seconds at every shot right away.
Sine Mora EX, review the shoot 'em up in remastered version
It’s time to take revenge, but in pairs
In the original title the story was only recorded in Hungarian; Now, even though the menu is still selectable from the menu, the English language is finally present, with a well-made dubbing, and it can not regret the original one.
But EX news has not ended here: a co-operative mode was finally introduced, a peculiarity that fans would have liked from day one given the nature of the title. 
Now the entire story mode can be played in two, but during the year, only the first player will play the main character, while our friend will have to necessarily play as a second spacecraft (while still having the chance to switch roles) ,but equipped with a cannon fired in any direction and a shield that can absorb bullets; the second player must be able to figure out when it’s time to use the cannon and when the shield will not have secondary weapons available and the pickups they pick will automatically go to the first player. 
Playing in two is definitely a lot more fun and exciting, but we would have preferred to be able to use two planes simultaneously so as not to make one of the two players feel “different” and also increase the resulting friendly hunting competition to the different power-ups. He also did not want to find out that the cooperative was limited to history, being totally excluded from arcade, point attack, and boss training.
To try to compensate for this lack and to give more re-play to players interested in playing together, a versus mode has been added that includes 3 mini-games, in which you have to try to kill your opponent first.
 Although fun for the first few minutes, these are very repetitive games and will quickly tire their players; the addition of the cooperative is surely the most welcome surprise, but there is still the feeling that one can do much to do more, giving it more importance. The re-playability of the title would certainly have benefited, considering it is not a sequel but a real remastered one.