Fans of the shooter series Splatoon drew attention to the recent New Year message left by the Japanese Twitter account of the game. At first glance, there is nothing remarkable in the picture attached to the message text, but if you look closely at the reflection on the water, you can see the word “SOS”, which is used to indicate a distress signal.
Fans believe that this way the company can teaser the soon announcement of a new project. Many agree that we can expect an offshoot from the main series. For example, a role-playing game with pop stars from the world of Splatoon.
み な さ ん 、 い か が お 過 ご し だ ろ う か?
の ん び り お 休 み さ れ て い る 方 も 、 お 忙 し い 方 も い ら っ し ゃ る だ ろ う。
ク マ サ ン 商会 も 元日 早 々 バ イ ト を 募集 し て い る よ う だ。
新 年初 シ バ キ に お い で い た だ け れ ば 幸 い だ。
本年 も よ ろ し く お 願 い 申 し 上 げ ま す。– Splatoon (ス プ ラ ト ゥ ー ン) (@SplatoonJP) January 1, 2023
The Splatoon franchise debuted on Wii U in 2015 and quickly soared into Nintendo’s most significant IP category. Sales of Splatoon 2 on the Nintendo Switch are close to 10 million copies. Splatoon merchandise diverges in large editions, and holographic concerts gather full halls of people.
Read also: Link approves – fan of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild recreated weapons from the game.
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