Rise of the Triad

This title was conceived as a third part of Wolfenstein 3D , a game that really deserves credit for having created the genre and that had been distributed by Apogee itself and developed by Id Software , a company where their status as gurus forge Romero and Carmack .


However, the development of this third part was orphaned when Id Software rejected the project to focus on their Doom and a Quake that was already beginning to be glimpsed and that in less than two years would be a new catharsis of a genre still in its infancy. So, Apogee, decided to give it a minimum layer of makeup 


to the project and sell it as an independent game, declining any licensing problem with Id Software and the name Wolfenstein . For this they created the 3D Realms label , which we would all later recognize as a signature behind Nuke Dukem 3D or Max Payne.


As for the game itself, it was enough to replace the command William Blazkowicz , protagonist of the saga, by theHUNT , the special group of turn to finish with the villain that at that moment corresponded. A pair of “gore” effects were added, which seemed to be very


well received by the players, and the rest of the game remained, especially the mix of Nazi and occult soldiers that had characterized Wolfenstein.

The contributions to the genre came mainly in the multiplayer, with maps more openthan those available in Doom, and especially to make them more vertical when using different heights and mobile platforms running between them.


However in the “LAN partys” where stood out was the possibility of humiliating the opponent, either through deletions as with voice messages that could be exchanged between the 11 players available per game, something that later enhanced and turned into art with his


other illustrious, the great Duke Nukem. He also stood out for venturing into the capture of movements , technology still in diapers, in an attempt to give more realism to the sprites2D that ended up being the enemies.

Rise of the Triad 2013 (PC) screenshot

Even launching with a campaign that sold it as a succession and evolution of Doom, the ROTT step was, therefore, quite unnoticed , being diluted among the aforementioned Doom, Hexen, Heretic … over which was clearly disadvantaged in the graphical section,


already determining by then. ROTT   was based on large polygons and corridors with angles of 90 degrees while Doom 2 already offered much more realistic environments and they were beginning to see the first images of Quake and the more “real” use of the three dimensions.

19 years later …

Although at the end of the 90’s Apogee was phagocitated from within by the own label 3D Realms, today they rescue the brand to revive in the same way this old glory . However, to do so they use Interceptor Entertaiment , a newly created group of


Danish developers that at the time of the original ROTT, were not yet of age to play it. This association and the own reedición of a game of the 90 it seems something more than a punctual experiment, because similar projects with the saga are already announced Duke Nukem. The reissue has three fundamental hooks; the use of the


Unreal Engine 3 graphic engine , a price of only € 13.95 and the almost absolute lack of competitionwith similar titles. On these premises Interceptor Entertaiment has rewritten the game from beginning to end. Absolutely all the essence of the original ROTT is maintained ; from the characters, enemies, history, weapons and the many maps that make up the game.

Given this title, we could easily divide the players into two groups; those who played that time and were lucky to attend adolescence full of hormonal changes of electronic entertainment, or those who have begun to enjoy it when the child is already in full maturity .


For the former, we can not discuss the attractiveness of returning to a game mode that, without going to discuss whether to go for better or worse, has been left behind. This component of nostalgia or “deja vu” from other times add a lot to the time that these players save the title.