Riot Games talked about its methods of combating racism and social inequality in society. She will add up to $ 1 thousand to the charitable donations of her employees who want to support organizations that advocate for justice reform and deal with racial prejudice. In response to this initiative, users recalled that in the past Riot Games itself several times found itself in the center of such scandals.
“Action is needed to make progress towards eliminating racism, prejudice and social inequality. Therefore, the Riot Games social influence fund will begin to donate next week to help organizations focused on the following areas:
1) nationwide criminal justice reform;
2) systemic changes in the solution of the problem of racial prejudice;
3) local communities that help black entrepreneurs.
The company will add up to $ 1 thousand to any charitable donations from our employees in these areas. ”
The statement of the company drew the attention of journalist Richard Lewis. He recalled that back in October 2019, Riot Games was at the center of the scandal due to auto-censorship in League of Legends chat. One user found that the word Uighur (Uyghurs) is forbidden to write in the game – this is the name of the indigenous people of East Turkestan, who lives in the Xinjiang region in far western China and, according to CNN, suffers from racial discrimination by the government. Then Riot Games admitted that censorship was a mistake.
In the comments on the Lewis post, users recalled how last year Riot Games forbade streamers and analysts from their tournaments to discuss live protests in Hong Kong. Then many viewers took such a ban as an attempt to censor.
On May 25, African American George Floyd of Minneapolis died in police custody. The incident sparked riots and protests against racism in the United States. Many eSports organizations and gaming companies have also expressed support for social equality and protection for black people. Read more about this here.