What does it take to stand out in the strategy RPG genre? The SRPG genre has more or less held the same systems and mechanics since it first began …
You know that part in a heist movie where the heisters are poring over a map figuring out how to get into the bank vault? “What if we cut …
To say that the world surrounding YouTube and indie gaming is a murky swamp may be the understatement of the year right now. YouTubers have had to deal with …
After years of waiting, longing, pleading for a new Sci-Fi master piece, Mass Effect Andromeda proved to be a controversial game, criticized for its lackluster side quests, poor facial animations and …
Whether you’re looking to slaughter everything as Jason or escape as the Counselors this Friday The 13th: The Game Tips And Tricks features a list of neat bits of …
Crash has had a full revamp in the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy and fans are loving it. Deep nostalgia for some and a new, refreshing experience for others …
Sprites play a very important role in Yonder as they allow you to clear Murk. If you’re looking for where to find all of the Sprites this Yonder: The …
In Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles you will be able to find various side quests throughout the world. Some of the quests are easy and some of them are …
Throughout your journey in Yonder you will unlock and own many farms. This Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles Farm Rating Guide will teach you everything you need to know …
Clean up the blood, hide the evidence and dispose of the bodies in stealth-clean-’em-up Serial Cleaner for Xbox One, PC & PS4. The FingerGuns Review; Over the years, you’ve …