Last week Call of Duty: Modern Warfare returned to the first line of the retail chart of England with a weekly growth of sales of 30%. The second place …
Vatican joins forces with technology giants Microsoft and Ibmto promote the ethical development of artificial intelligence and call for facial recognition technology regulation. The idea is to limit the …
The network has a new version of the high-resolution texture pack for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition authorship modder Clevercharff. It completely transforms the city of Whiterun, …
Google stadia so far it has not achieved much success and universal recognition. One of the key reasons is the very small number of games available for the cloud …
Released last week in the version for PC isometric adventure game Beautiful desolation has been illegally downloaded at least 50,000 timesas reported by the developers themselves from the indie …
The fourth part of “The Matrix” continues to appear and replenish the cast. Edition The warp reported that 36-year-old star joins new franchise filmSpartacus” Ellen Hallman. What role she …
Released in 2014, the first part of a hacker action Watch dogs criticized for being much simpler on release Ubisoft showed in advertising trailers and screenshots. However, thanks to …
In the new fiscal year (from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2023), Capcom will release five games, among which there will be four large projects and one medium-sized. …
Enthusiast under the nickname klockenschooster released for a classic shooter Quake from id Software a new set of cards called Godscythe. Content is based on another cult shooter – …
Koei tecmo and Team ninja introduced a new video on Nioh 2, which showed almost 8 minutes of gameplay at Mount Tenno. This level can be completed in the …