Kiev studio Vostok games announced the availability of many vacancies in various aspects of video game development. The studio is ready to accept “professional enthusiasts” in a team creating …
Publishing house Ubisoft published the release trailer for the add-on “Warriors of New York“(Warlords of new york) for Game The division 2. DLC will allow players to return to …
Dmitry Gabdukaev presented an unusual cosplay shoot: he created the background for photos in a program for 3D modeling. The girl in the pictures is real – Anastasia Matyash …
Company Sony Interactive Entertainment introduced the March selection of projects for its cloud gaming platform Playstation now. This month, the service catalog expanded immediately with 11 new games, which …
Bungie introduced the trailer “Greatness“- next season Destiny 2, which will last from March 10 to June 9. Having defeated the Red Legion, who tried to rewrite the course …
Almost nine months have passed since the announcement Elden ringbut since then the news on the game from the studio Fromsoftware no more have been reported. The rumors circulating …
Johan n0tail Sundstein and Sebastian Ceb Debs “Had a fight” on Aegis, Jaroslav pashaBiceps Jazhombkowski sad in Katowice Marcelo coldzera david went to rest, and Daniil Zeus Teslenko once …
The network has a fresh commercial for the film “New mutants” The picture will be the first in the universe X men under the brand 20th Century Studiosformed after …
A group of Russian gamers launched on the site petition with a call to the company Square enix translate remake Final Fantasy VII for Playstation 4 into Russian. …
The creators of incredibly successful in the eastern mobile RPG market Granblue fantasy – Cygames – began expansion to the West and announced two console games at once – …