Ryan Reynolds negotiates participation in the adaptation of the game Dragon & # 039; s Lair from Netflix. If everything goes well, then the actor will play the main …
Japanese studio Kojima productions urgently switches to remote work after receiving news that one of its employees became infected with the coronavirus. This is stated in an official press …
As expected, the sequel Mount & blade got to early access: on Steam, the game can be purchased at a discount of up to 20% – 10% is given …
Battle Royale Players Fortnite found two bugs at once, which in theory can ensure them victory in almost every match. Both bugs were demonstrated by youtuber under the nickname …
December 13 last year as part of the ceremony The Game Awards 2019 company Microsoft first showed Xbox Series X. In addition to the name, the first games and …
Known for true gaming leaks Fromsoftware insider Omnipotent spoke more about the world of role-playing game Elden ring and role distribution between Hidetaka Miyazaki and George Martin on development …
Inventor Eric Hekman added a stun gun to the gamepad Gamecubeto play in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The charge is directly generated by an external unit connected to the …
Apple It has been working for some time on replacing Intel processors in its product line with its own chips. And now the first batch of solutions with new …
Enthusiasts from the portal FearLess Cheat Engine were able to modify the game Doom eternal so as to include a third-person view, which allowed to watch the executioner Rock …
At the end of last year, the network was filled gossip that the studio Hangar 13who released a crime action movie in 2016 Mafia iii, working on the next …