In the digital distribution service Steam sale started Far cryin which games of the series can be bought at very large discounts. So, for example, the last numbering part …
Studio developers Firaxis games announced that addition Ethiopia pack for their strategy Civilization VI will be released on July 23. DLC can be purchased separately or received as part …
Publishing house Electronic arts and developers from the studio Final strike games presented the trailer for the release of a competitive third-person shooter Rock arena. The game is already …
Action Games Series Far cry always took place in the open worlds, in which there were various islands, villages and settlements, but there were never big cities. In freshly …
Cosplay hodgepodge for games, comics, cartoons and anime. Catwoman – DC comics Do you remember the unusual image of Catwoman that was conveyed by the charming Michelle Pfeiffer in …
The struggle for social justice boomerang hit To hollywoodand the main victims of racial discrimination are white actors and filmmakers who most recently advocated #BlackLivesMatters, Political correctness and against …
Ghost of tushusha will be on sale in a few days, July 17, and the first reviews are expected in 24 hours – July 14 at 17:00 Moscow time. …
Amazon decided to extend the series “Hannah” – a teleadaptation of the same picture in 2011 – for the third season. The plot tells about a young girl Hannah, …
Famous Russian cosplayer Natalya “Narga” Kochetkova pleased her subscribers with another beautiful cosplay on the character from the cult World of warcraft. She perfectly transformed into a night elf. …
Publishing house Ubisoft again restarted the development of a long-suffering open-world pirate game Skull & bones, which was born on the basis of the regime of naval battles from …