In an interview Digital spy Neil Gaiman revealed that the action of the first season of his adaptation “Sandman” from Netflix will unfold in modern times – that is, …
Company Sony Interactive Entertainment posted on her YouTube channel a laudatory trailer for a samurai action movie Ghost of tsushima for Playstation 4 with assessments and quotes from Western …
The problems in the world have become the reason why for many of us the opportunity to enjoy a full vacation has become a pipe dream. To brighten up …
Official Twitter-a Japanese unit account Playstation reportedwhat sales Ghost of tsushima in the Land of the Rising Sun exceeded expectations, so some retail stores sold out all copies of …
Studio Crytek conducted a gameplay demo of a shooter Crysis remastered in version for hybrid console Nintendo Switch… A thirty minute video was posted on Youtube… During the broadcast, …
PlayStation Japan reports that physical copies of the recently released in the region Ghost of tsushima almost completely sold out. Due to the high demand for the game, the …
Developers from Blizzard announced that the release of the add-on “Scholomance” for their collectible card game Hearthstone will take place on 6 August. Players are waiting for 135 cards, …
The official gameplay presentation is due tonight Mafia: Definitive Edition – a remake of the cult gangster action movie released in 2002. However, the video prematurely hit the network, …
Studio Bungie and publishing Insight Editions announced the release of a cookbook officially based on the universe of the multiplayer shooter series Destiny… As the authors note, in the …
Developers from the studio Tribute Games published a trailer for the release of their retro platformer Panzer Paladinwhich is already available on Nintendo Switch and PC. In Panzer Paladin, …