South Korean film “Parasites“Adapt for American viewers and turn into a series. Several well-known TV channels are fighting for the right to show the show. The deal is not …
Studio Portaplayknown for strategy Tales from the void, released the story trailer for her new project, role-playing strategy Broken lines. It shows how the events of the game begin, …
In a fresh British room Official Playstation Magazine an article was published with new details of the upcoming remake Resident evil 3. Despite the fact that the magazine will …
Scott Derrickson announced his retirement from the post of director of the film “Dr. Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness“. “Marvel and I decided to stop working on the …
Camera crew of the series “The witcher»Has already begun work on the second season. But the creators continue to talk about how the first episodes were filmed. The series …
In the internet service Humble bundlespecializing in selling digital copies of games for Windows, macOS and Linux, started the distribution of arcade games Headsnatchers. The key received during the …
Adventure game Death stranding japanese game designer Hideo Kojima continues to lead in the number of awards “Game of the Year 2019” At the time of writing the news …
Actor Doug Cocklewho gave his voice to Geralt of Rivia in the English-language versions of the games of the line The witcher from the Polish studio CD Projekt RED, …
Monster hunter – A cult Japanese series of games with a long history. No joke, the very first game was released in 2004 on the PS2! Now, after sixteen …
At the moment, we can only guess about politics Sony in a relationship Playstation 5. Today, a new chapter on business operations has appeared in the gaming division of …