Over 1.3 Million Copies of Gujian3 Have Been Sold Since Release – review

At the end of 2018, a Shanghai company Aurogon Info & Tech released the third part of her role series Gujian. And since the release Gujian3, as notes Analyst Daniel Ahmad managed to sell over 1.3 million copies. This makes her the most successful in the series.
The first game of the Gujian series, also known in the West as Swords of legends, Was released in China on July 10, 2010, so the series celebrates its 10th anniversary. The developers have already announced that they are preparing holiday events. In the meantime, the entire Gujian trilogy can be bought at Steam at a discount, for 712 rubles.

The action of the plot role-playing game Gujian3, like the rest of the games in the series, takes place in a fantasy version of ancient China. But despite all the gaming and artistic conventions in Gujian3, you can find deep references to Chinese culture and traditions.

Gujian3 receives very positive reviews on Steam: more than 80% of players praise it.

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