The oldest genre of video game shoot ’em up – is experiencing another youth. We can not say, of course, that now he has a crazy popularity in the 90s, but with a “radar” is not missing new items a la “shoot them all.” From time to time by representatives of the genre appear on store shelves.
These small, seemingly unnecessary trinkets on the background of AAA giants and often causing a “nostalgic grin” projects manage to survive in the flea market on the blockbuster market and, moreover, to find a grateful response. Nonsense? Surprisingly, this is true!
Nex Machina, published June 20 on the PC and the PS4, only confirms the viability of “classics of the genre” kind vozvaniem Housemarque studio, whose ranks – and the legendary developers Robotron Resogun, to the modern “Play for the game!”. In general, speaking about the talents of the studio, not to mention their successful experience with Outland, memorable “visual” which was seasoned with successful solutions in the gameplay – namely, a fresh approach to the cooperative.
However, their new creation is slightly different from the previous one. Since the foundation of the genre has been selected, as you might guess, shoot ’em up and fed through the top-down-shooter. This, you know, a hybrid that appeared to be very viable.
It all starts with a story …
Yes, here it is! Another uprising machines. People carried away by their “instruments” did not notice the “vacuum cleaner” wised up, but so that he decided to throw off the “shackles of meat” and revolted. As a result – “The Matrix”, “The Terminator” … and all! humanity rolled back as Windows 10. In short, the complete collapse of civilization with all the consequences.
This simple “batch” of plot clichés that could upset the fans’ strong reading, “if it were not the basis of the genre that during the years of existence and has not been a need for a powerful history. The fact is that in this genre in the first place always comes out “process”, and only then all there senses and …
Nex Machina in this regard is no exception. All those who watched the game, saw the cartoon movie, which hinted at something interesting in the history. We are seen seen. However, the game will not be anything like that,
The plot is there “for show”, adding a little entourage of the future and some no motivation: have you – the guy with the gun in the helmet of motorcyclists, and there they were – vile robots, which have to “pass on the scrap!”
The whole essence of Nex Machina in one screenshot: Man vs. Machine.
Warning: the gameplay!
The battle for humanity unfolds in five dissimilar worlds, consisting of more than one hundred levels. There are available through several game modes in the main menu: arcade, arena, single and joint local worlds. Whatever you choose – much of a difference will not notice.
The main task is everywhere, but the meaning has not changed for the last 30 years: Shoot them all! Enemies – the crowd, in Alien Shooter, and fight the principle of roughly the same as in the Enter the Gungeon: get on a closed arena, dodging gunfire and isstreblyaya everything that moves while holding squeezed the trigger and trimmed level and in the process saving the fellows, highlighted in green, and pass on.
Квинтэссенция Alien Shooter и Enter the Gungeon
Flexible configuration complexity changes difficulty passing from simple meditation to severe tests, which may occur after something “terrible” with your controller.
Configuration levels vary, sometimes throwing up surprises in the form of closed corridors with lasers, through which you can (and should!) Strafe firing villains. Transitions between levels occur automatically and look cool because of the change of angles and planes.
And here is how time and change sides.
As to the nuances, from time to time fall out various improvements to weapons, as well as other devices such as mines with a detonator, lasers or swords.
Set deadly toys more than the standard, and the enemies die quickly. All the canons of the genre met: passing level, you end up fighting with the boss. At first they were simple, but gradually become meaner and less forgiving. Fight fun with them, and the “recycling of scrap metal” packs perfectly relieves stress after a busy day. null
Everything else, a Nex Machina metal can be utilized with other via cooperative mode. It is designed for two people, and the bottom line is it does not change – shatter and destroy everything that moves. It defiantly, yes, but no more. The main thing – do not lose yourself on the battlefield.