NASA scared kilometer-long asteroid flying toward Earth

The NASA space agency warned of a huge asteroid rushing toward the Earth at high speed, which belongs to the class of dangerous space objects.

It is reported that the dangerous asteroid under the number 163373, which does not yet have a name, will approach the Earth very soon. According to, the space object that was discovered on October 23, 1995, which threatens the planet, will arrive on February 15, 2023. It is worth noting that this asteroid belongs to the group of “Apollo”, that is, asteroids potentially dangerous to the Earth. They are dangerous due to the fact that the trajectory of their flight crosses the orbit of the Earth.

It is known that the asteroid number 163373 has a diameter, the size of which can approach one kilometer. In general, its diameter is from 440 to 990 meters. According to scientists, the space object, reaching a size of only 100 meters, is able to completely destroy the city, thus causing serious damage to the Earth. Asteroid 163373 has a much larger diameter. Therefore, the fall of such an object can cause more catastrophic destruction and even cause various natural disasters.

According to, if the arrival of the asteroid at number 163373 is without consequences, then, according to scientists, the next time it will approach the Earth only in 2075. It is also worth noting that the NASA agency has long been developing various ways to protect our planet from approaching space bodies. For example, scientists suggest that you can push an asteroid into a spaceship to avoid consequences.