When I played the game myself, I was quite happy with the ending, since I regarded Mass Effect 3 as the finale of the entire trilogy. But after I replayed it first and realized that my decisions really only changed the color of the explosions in the final video, I was very upset.
Jay Turner
Mass Effect 3 senior gameplay designer Patrick Moran admitted that he was also disappointed when he found out how the trilogy will end. He mentioned that he sent an email arguing with the decision but received no response.
The Mass Effect team was run like a naval ship, with strict lines of authority, areas of responsibility, and team leaders who had waited years for promotion. You followed orders and tried not to be too annoying or arrogant. And here is the command Dragon age at that time it looked more like a pirate ship.
Patrick Moran
Screenwriter Mass effect 2 and 3 Chris Hepler, however, is sure otherwise. According to him, none of the three options is a “correct” and moral solution to the problem. And from this point of view, the original ending works quite well.
The expanded version gave us a second chance to make an ending that was much more responsive to player choice. It was as good as we could have made it, given the decisions we have already made ourselves. After Extended Cut came out, I felt much better, just like the rest of the team.
Chris Hepler
According to Mass Effect 3 Senior Writer Neil Pollner, most of the team did not know how Mass Effect 3 would end, and the vision of the ending was not set in advance.
I’ll put it this way: when you give the player three huge chapters in which he can make difficult decisions, shape his version of the history of the galaxy and the character, then no ending of such a large-scale and epic saga will feel right. It is impossible to perfectly complete something that has grown, accumulated and branched for so long. When in the course of events you give people serious choices, any ending without an incomprehensible amount of variation will disappoint.
Neil Pollner
It could create a powerful burst of energy that would be completely harmless to objects with low atomic weight, such as organic flesh from carbon chains. This means that most of the Citadel’s species would hardly be affected by the explosion. But he would have killed all the Reapers, the husky and Captain Shepard – after all, there are a lot of implants in his body.
Unfortunately, Hepler could not imagine his vision of the ending. Three Crucible Codex entries should have been written for him, but by the time he made it to the final of the second, the design team had already adopted the Destroy-Control-Synthesis triad.
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