Minute of Islands lost release date – Igromania

A month ago German studio Fizbin and publishing Mixtvision announced they will release an adventure game on March 18 Minute of islands… However, there have been changes in the plans of the creators: the planned release will not take place.
how reported developers, in the final round of testing, they suddenly stumbled upon some important problems. And it will take time to solve them, so the game has lost the release date for now.

The studio cannot yet say for sure when it will finish working on the identified errors, but it assures that the additional period of work will benefit the game.

Minute of Islands is a fateful journey through a volatile world built by giants. But now its mechanisms wear out, and only the heroine with her mechanical wand is able to prolong their life.

The game will be released on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch and will support PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series.

Minute of Islands - Teaser Trailer

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