
Devolver Digital’s booth at E3 this year was certainly the most powerful and atypical of all: free beer and food, what do you want the most? In this really festive and enthusiastic environment, we were hosted by the Gambitius Games try all the games in their line-up.
We have already talked about Redeemer; now it’s up to Milanoir : the action of Italo Games from the pulp atmospheres, made with a pixel art that leaves astonished for overall quality and attention to detail. Sitting on a comfortable sofa in the company of Emmanuele Tornusciolo we faced a good half an hour of hands on, accompanied by the story of who this Milanoir thought of it and realized.
Milan 70s
The Italo guys have really made it all to create an aesthetically unique and contentively unique and faithful concretion of reality. Milanoiris, as the title says, set in a Milan 1970s with a precise and successful pixel art with a shot from above.
The plot will follow the story of a criminal: between the clashes and the shotguns the plot, Emmanuel’s word, promises palpitating moments. Successful concept, we said, because the locations are faithfully reproduced: from the Duomo to the Columns of St. Lawrence, each place reflects its ideal counterpart very well and contributes to giving a sense of unusual familiarity to those places visited them, even once in life.
All this is accompanied by a pleasant, but never exaggerated, soundtrack, which can dominate what happens on screen. In short, technically Milanoir is definitely a pearl in terms of indie productions: but how do you cave it with the gameplay?
Do not think it’s easy
The title developed by Italo Games must not be underestimated: our test has allowed us to understand very well what will be the nature of the game, and especially how it will be addressed. Milanoiris basically an action where the purpose is to kill, repair, move around. We will not just move on foot, there will be some very fast sequences on board some means of transport. Each chapter will have a sort of final boss, and the average difficulty is really competitive.
 Because because the structure is very simple (moves, manages the cursor cou key and shoots with each other) it takes a few minutes to set itself. The peculiarities of separate management of the goal and movement imply the necessity of having everything under control, and you will often find yourself uncovered to fire on enemies, but they will cool you in a few seconds.
 You will also have to take advantage of the environment that surrounds you in the best possible way: in addition to roofing, road signs will also be crucial. Each of them will have a different effect on the bullet, and to understand it quickly, and typology will make a difference.
The coop was also very successful: with the difficulty automatically balancing by increasing -and- many enemies on screen.Milanoir is therefore a game able to give satisfaction not only in terms of aesthetics but also gameplay, with the coop mode that seemed to us to be really accomplished and definitely challenging and satisfying.