Metroidvania Beacon Pines Nearly Reaches Kickstarter Goal – review Addiction

Less than a week ago an independent studio Hiding Spot rendered on Kickstarter my cute metroidvania Beacon Pines. And the game immediately came to my liking: at the moment, almost the entire required amount of 30 thousand dollars has been collected.

According to the plot, the world of Beacon Pines is crumbling, but only our main character and his friends notice it. And it depends only on the players whether the residents of the city will be able to survive the summer.

The peculiarity of the game is that the city of Beacon Pines is in the book. And we are simultaneously reading this book and living the whole story with Luke and his friends. As we explore the world, we extract artifacts-words, and then use them to change history, choose a further path or just make friends.

During Steam-festival until February 9, a demo version of the game is available. And the Beacon Pines Kickstarter campaign will end in 26 days. The authors of the game are already considering additional goals.

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