Jettomero: Hero of the Universe

Although no one could doubt his good intentions, already in the first contact we can see that he himself entails the greatest danger to hum


ans, since its enormous size and incredible power are accompanied by a clumsiness only reach of the mythical Steve Urkel . Each step of Jetto


mero makes the entire planet tremble, and its constant swings and losses of balance cause numerous damages , forcing an armed response from humans that the good d


roid will understand and respect to the sound of his motto: “I do not intend to hurt” . In fact, the most harmed will be the men themselves, s


ince their attacks do not hurt or anger, but they hinder the robot’s control over their own steps, which increases the chances of disaster.

While we still ask ourselves what is the evil that Jettomero could combat, we find ourselves with the object of its cause: there are planets


populated by human beings that are attacked by giant creatures capable of the worst. Although our educated and diplomatic hero tries to dialogue before resorting to violence, his enemies will not give an option and we


will have to fight to the death with each one of them. Throughout the search and achievement of these clashes, Jettomero will discover parts of his past that will allow him to become fully aware of his origin and his mission.

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Behind the veil of originality.

The first contact with the game awakens a smile and curiosity. The control of the character, slow, coarse and imprecise to make it as difficult as possible that we do not knock down every building that is put to us , is fun at first and


raises expectations about the challenges that, based on it, will present us. In addition, the introduction of each new mechanic promises a variety of mini-games: within each planet we will have to look for fuel, parts o


f our personalizable body and enemies, trying to cause few damages; during the combats we will have to make a series of combinations of buttons, style quick time event; When a planet is safe, we can fly through space directing us to any other; finally,


after the fighting we will have a puzzle that unlocks a part of JetToker’s story, consisting of a text to be deciphered by trying combinations of letters.

Although the start is entertaining and it seems that the game will offer a dynamic experience, the truth is that the repetition of patterns (travel to a planet, search, fight if necessary, return to space) stops having too much hook soon. Following the


story is what most can encourage to continue because, despite being quite simple, it is also interesting and invites us to some reflections.The problem is that there are few moments of advance of the plot (one per system), th


e rest of planets being small spaces to go in search of customizable parts of Jettomero. At the beginning, the few interactible elements (fires, storms, asteroids …) also attract attention, but soon they take a back seat because of their null impact on the


whole game. All this leads to recommend its enjoyment in small doses, since  the feeling of monotony weighs soon.

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Express space travel.

From what was said in the previous paragraph, that the game is short seems necessary, beyond valuing it as a virtue or a defect. However, it does become a problem when we talk about a title that can be perfectly completed 100% in a single after


noon, including collectables. It is not our intention to establish the fair price of any product that takes its effort and work behind, but we


warn that the game will only take us up to three or four hours if we dedicate ourselves to collect everything and go around the space for pleasure. to explore or try things, because sticking to the story would take a sigh.

This also contributes to the absence of challenges in the base game, because the exploration is fast and very simpl


e, and the combats are also very easy. Where more time we can entertain is in the tests of deciphering texts, which in the last chapters are longer and more difficult, and in some totally optional event like chasing hoops through


space. It is not necessary to condemn to Jettomero for not offering a great challenge, since it is evident that its great bet is the visual ex


perience and the plot , reducing the interesting point of the jugabilidad to the mere movement by air or earth. The problem lies in the appeal of the execution of this idea beyond the initial curiosity.

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Handsome but demanding.

The high contrast of colors and the minimalist look makes the game look great. It is really striking to see some pictures that happen while we kick the surface of a planet, with each sun imposing its brightness of varied and extravagant tones


. In addition, the nice design of Jettomero itself, to which we can change the look as we collect pieces, and the drawn style of buildings and human ships, complete a very attractive visual section. The photo mode gives a good account of this work.

The sound is at the service of a very well achieved atmosphere , both in music (which changes and adds body according to the occ


asion, such as when we propel ourselves or stop in space) and in effects. Without dubbing of any kind, it does have subtitles in several languages, among which is Spanish, but you have to reproach the team for quite a few orthographic spellings that are unfit for any translator (beyond what can be understood), some of them, even in the interior of some


menu. You have to take much more care of that section. On the other hand, going back to the merely technical, it is very surprising to check the requirements of the system, well above what one might think., recommending an i7 proces


sor and a GTX970 card. We can ensure that the performance does not suffer at all with a team somewhat above these standards, but it does not stop impacting.