It should be enough for everyone: Phil Spencer promises to produce more Xbox Series X consoles for launch in the fall

Recently Phil Spencer, head of division Xbox the company Microsoft participated in an online podcast Talking gamewhere along with the legendary Reggie Fis-Aimeeformer president Nintendo of americadiscussed how it feels to launch a new generation console. As it turned out, now at Spencer no worries at all, at least with regard to accessibility Xbox Series X at the start of sales.

“With regard to the supply line, everything related to hardware is now normal. I feel that we can provide users with the necessary number of systems. And we are now very involved in the work, the launch is expected worldwide, unlike, unfortunately, the situation with the Xbox One You saw everything yourself [обращаясь к Реджи Фис-Эме]“Last time, it took us months to start working with extremely important markets, so today, a ubiquitous start of sales is very important for us,” Phil Spencer explained.

Later in the conversation Spencer also noted that the development of games for Xbox Series X Now it is in fairly normal mode, without any serious deviations.

Xbox Series X - World Premiere - 4K Trailer

Console Xbox Series X should go on sale by the end of the year. The exact dates, as well as the price of the new generation platform, will be announced later. According to relevant data, the start of pre-orders may begin very soon.

Also do not forget about the initiative Xbox 20/20under which Microsoft will monthly share the latest data on its new console. The next presentation will be held in June, and in July we will learn about games for Xbox Series X from internal teams Xbox Game Studios.

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