Infact [02.12.2019]

Choose the best games of this year at;
Ghost Recon Community Survey: Breakpoint;
Halo 3 Guitar by Guitar Hero;
The composition of the gift apology in Red Dead Redemption 2;
Final Fantasy Story Part 2;
Free camera in MGS 5. How does the game work behind the scenes?

The main thing from the interview with Rockstar;
Review of Shenmue III;
Sniper review: Ghost Warrior Contracts;
Asterix & Obelix XXL 3 review;
Review of Some Distant Memor.

French court punished Quantic Dream, Ubisoft conducted a survey to fix Ghost Recon: Breakpoint; the creator of the original X-Com completed Phoenix Point, the handy gamer went through Halo 3 on legendary difficulty with a guitar from Guitar Hero, the Epic Games Store began distributing Rayman Legends, Rockstar prepared a gift as an apology for the problems of the PC version of Red Dead Redemption 2, well, Elden Ring may come out early next year.

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