In the dystopian world of SiberiaPanka, the metropolis NeoSibirsk lives by the laws of power and truth, that is, whoever has strength is right. The main character of the criminal trilogy, Sashka Khudoy, is engaged in the sale of prohibited substances. But the main goal of the writer is a thorough deconstruction of the “totalitarian regime” of modern Russia in the spirit of the series Metro…
Nova-Tek Studio owns all rights to SibirPank due to the fact that Golkovsky himself founded it in the fall of 2023. And graphic novels and games of various genres are called upon to expand the universe of SybirPunk: SibirPunk RPG due out in the third quarter of 2023.
As for SybirPunk, its announcement should take place in the near future. The exact name has not yet been announced, even its genre is unknown.
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