Humble Freedom Bundle

Why the Freedom Bundle
In a timely fashion, the latest initiative of this genre is that of the Humble Bundle , a well-known store for its video game deals and collaboration with NGOs, Onlus and other charities or volunteer associations. The law promulgated by the new star and strip president


could not leave indifferent Jeff Rosen – of Wolfire Games and the first “creator” behind Humble Bundle – who in an interview with Ars Technica underlined that Humble Bundle Inc. employees came from every part of the world and as a measure aimed at arbitrar

ily limiting the freedom of movement of thousands of people is an illegitimate and profoundly wrong act.
” Take a stand for freedom. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door . “(Trad. A me date

your tired, your poor, your cold masses eager to breathe free, the miserable waste of your crowded beaches. Send them, the homeless, shaken by storms, and I will raise my torch next to the golden door.) This sonnet, written by American poet Emma Lazarus in


the early 1900s, is located at the foot of the Statue of Liberty and was also used by Jeff Rosen as the opening of the Humble Bundle Freedom ( here the direct link to the store ), the store’s response digital to the Muslim Ban led by Donald Trump and more generally a clear position against discrimination against those who suffer daily from the disasters caused by the war. The goodwill intention is quite clear, is expressed by the few lines drawn from


the poem “The new giant” and was reiterated in a loud voice and in an even clearer way by the three bodies that benefit 100% of the gains of this bundle. The page dedicated to the Freedom Bundle is well underlined by the names of Doctors Without Borders, ACLU (American Civil Liberty Union) and International Rescue Committee, three associations selected by Humble Bundle Inc. for their commitment to defend populations affected by war, ref


ugees and in favor of their freedom and their civil rights. As said, every penny spent in this fundraising campaign – because of this it is – is paid to the three associations and within just a day, not just the figure initially set to 300. $ 000 was easily overcome, but the $ 4 million share has now been hard pressed. Regardless of the initial economic advantage of the offer, the strong response from players demonstrates the community’s attention to the issues tackled by the Freedom


Bundle, to which the top developers and publishers who have put the their face, more than their own products, in favor and in support of the initiative launched by Humble Bundle. Humble Bundle’s reaction to Muslim Ban is not an isolated case, and before that, the guys at Insomniac Games had also been exposed. the strong response from the players demonstrates the community’s attention to the issues tackled by the Freedom Bundle, to which the over-the-top commitment of the same developers and


publishers who have put their face, rather than their own products, into the forefront favor and support of the initiative launched by Humble Bundle. Humble Bundle’s reaction to Muslim Ban is not an isolated case, and before that, the guys at Insomniac Games had also been exposed. the strong response from the players demonstrates the community’s attention to the issues tackled by the Freedom Bundle, to which the over-the-top commitment o


f the same developers and publishers who have put their face, rather than their own products, into the forefront favor and support of the initiative launched by Humble Bundle. Humble Bundle’s reaction to Muslim Ban is not an isolated case, and before that, the guys at Insomniac Games had also been exposed.videos  had expressed all their di


sappointment with Trump’s moves. The same opinion is also the IGDA (International Game Developers Association) who commented as a mistake and stereotyping what is present in the Muslim Ban, a law which, among other things, directly touched Navid Khonsari, developer of 1979 Revolution: Black Friday and Shahid Kamal Ahmad, a figure who co


llaborated with PlayStation for No Man’s Sky and Velocity 2X. Strong support for the developers of the countries affected by the call came also from Devolver Digital, who declared themselves ready to support their presence at the 2018 GDC. With good peace of old clichés, this time video games and who makes them are not cause of violence, indeed, perhaps, I am one of the most valuable voices and an antidote against it.