Before starting a match in Valorant, each player must choose an agent – his alter ego, which will be with him until the end of the battle. Now there are only ten characters in the shooter, but each has unique skills that can turn the tide of the battle. We played for all the heroes in Valorant and rated their usefulness.
Top heroes
While all Sage skills are defense oriented, they help and attack effectively. The “Slowing Sphere” (Q) covers a huge area and does not allow enemies to exit the aisle. If someone takes a chance, he will at least once issue a loud crunch that will give out his position.
The Sage (E) barrier works in exactly the same way as Q, but it lasts much longer, and it still needs to be destroyed, and therefore – to give out its position. The combination of Q and E allows Sage to close the entire output for a very long time, which makes it incredibly useful in any situation.
This also includes treatment (E), because with it you can survive two or three extra hits. Several times this allowed me to win the round. The ability to resurrect an ally is also beyond competition. The ultimate set of skills makes Sage perhaps the coolest character in Valorant, without which no match will be complete.
“Sage fits perfectly into any peak – it can kidnap an ally, block any passage with its wall and slow down the opponent’s movement. With the help of her skills, you will definitely make an impact in the game and help the team win, even if you don’t fly today. ”
Universal hero who helps both in attack and in defense. “Heavenly smoke” (E) can close several passages at once for a long time. The smoke of Brimstone has another feature – it is very dense, because of which it is impossible to pass through it just as it can be done with Omen smoke.
Incendiary Grenade (Q) Brimstone is equally useful. Close some passage along with smoke, stop the attack on a point, knock someone out of a comfortable position, fake an attack – there are many applications.
The hero’s “orbital strike” (X) looks spectacular and destroys any enemy in seconds, which can be actively used in attack or defense. Have you heard that your opponents have reached a point? Fry them on the way. Is the enemy hiding in the far corner with a rifle? Send him greetings. Even if you do not kill opponents, then make them change their position.
The only Brimstone skill that stands out from the general row is Stimulator (C). This is a specific skill that can both help and hurt. If you just throw it under yourself, then this can cause suspicion among the enemy – he will guess that someone is sitting on the lighthouse. However, you can also deceive him with the same thing – throw the beacon in one direction, and sit in the other. But it will not help everywhere.
“Brimstone is the perfect character for a tactical game. He can throw three smoke grenades at any point on the map and close his opponent’s view. With an incendiary shell, you can close any narrow passage or set fire to the enemy on a bomb, which will gain time. This character also has a rather strong ultimate, which, with the right choice of a point, can burn several opponents. ”
This is the best quarterback in Valorant. The combination of a hidden camera, streamers and smoke bombs can permanently discourage opponents from even trying to get to the point, because Cypher will know about each of their movements.
The “camera” (E) provides visibility on the approaches to the planet or on the point itself, and a quick switch to it allows the hero to control two, or even three passes at once. “Stretching” (C) can ruin any enemy attack, as it will literally force the enemy to shoot at it to free itself. Well, “Cyber Cell” (Q) is an interesting variation of smoke, which is activated by command and slows down opponents. Ultimate allows Cypher to highlight all living enemies, which in Valorant is half the victory.
How beautiful Cypher is in defense, it is just as useless in attack. When the agent team needs to put Spike, the arsenal of skills is rapidly reduced to Q and ultimate. But, again, it all depends on your creativity. The camera can be thrown so as to examine at least part of the point, and stretch marks will protect the back.
“Cypher is the perfect character for card control and defense. He can defend the point alone, which gives his teammates time to haul. The camera helps to view dangerous passages and corners or control the enemy’s flankers when playing in an attack, thanks to this the team can throw all its strength into one plant without fear of going into the back.
Sova is very similar to Brimstone. His skills are suitable for both attack and defense, and ultimate can kill several people. And he also has one dubious skill – talking about a combat drone (C). It is inconvenient for them to control, which makes getting a treasured dart quite difficult. And since the drone flies nearby, it can partially give out the position of Sova.
But the rest of the skills are excellent. Reconnaissance (E) can illuminate the entire enemy team on the plant or approach to it, and Shock Arrow (Q) can take a lot of health if Sova correctly calculates the trajectory.
Hunter’s Wrath (X) is a powerful skill with which Sova can destroy one or even two opponents, especially if they break into a narrow passage. If a player cooperates with partners and knows the approximate location of enemies, then they will not be greeted.
“Sova is a less self-sufficient character, unlike Cypher. His reconnaissance drone needs to be covered, while the ability itself costs 300 coins and is not restored. If the Cypher camera always gives at least some information, then the Sova arrow can be destroyed before it detects opponents. In addition, it does not work for so long, so the information received must be used here and now. Shock arrows are not bad for practicing dangerous angles, but rather situational. Sova reveals herself fully only when she works in a team, in solo defense or attack, he looks much weaker. “
Strong middling
At first, Omen was my favorite hero – I always liked mysterious men in dark cloaks. However, the more I played for him, the more I realized that this agent had only two useful skills: “Dark Veil” (E) and “Hidden Step” (C). The first is universal smoke, which can permanently block any passage. The second is a teleport, allowing Omen to take an advantageous position on the map and take the enemy by surprise.
Omen has an interesting and universal ultimate. With it, you can fly directly to an enemy base and kill enemies in the back, you can take Spike and fly to another plant and so on. However, the long animation and loud sound of the teleport itself can betray Omen and put him under attack.
A skill with the beautiful name Paranoia (Q) is useless. The projectile is flying slowly, they need to hit exactly the enemy. And he does not blind completely, but only limits his view to several meters. A very unreliable alternative to a regular flash drive.
At first, Raze was almost the strongest hero in Valorant. All her skills were aimed at destroying opponents and inflicted huge damage on the area. And even after the recent nerf, she did not become too weak.
The Cassette Grenade (E) skill allows Raze to inflict huge damage over the area and knock out opponents from points. After the nerf in the reserve, the girl had only one grenade left instead of two – the second now appears after two kills. The skill has ceased to be a universal response to any aggression from opponents, but it is still very useful.
All other Raze skills still help to destroy opponents in whole bundles. The Bombbotron (C) takes a shot and distracts enemy fire, and the Explosive Satchel (Q) allows Raze to perform rocket jumps and take a vantage point like Omen. Ultimate is able to demolish the entire enemy team in a second – you just have to get there. A great hero for those who like to attack.
“Perhaps I have a slightly biased attitude towards Raze, since I immediately fell in love with this character, but I believe that she deserves the status of one of the strongest agents. All her abilities terribly annoy her opponent: “Bombotron” distracts the enemy and can undermine him, “Explosive satchel” helps to climb to a height and surprise the opponent with a position, “Cassette grenade” can stop pushing and detonate several opponents, and ultimate, when launched successfully, will smash the enemy by the wall. “
The fiery guy has become an almost perfect hero for beginners. All skills are very simple, three of them can completely cure a character, but it’s hardly worth writing about the usefulness of a flash drive.
Why is Phoenix not in the highest dash? The simplicity of his skills played a trick on him. Twisted Serve (Q) has a very limited scope, and it can often hook allies or yourself. Hot Hands (E) is more often used as a first aid kit, and not to knock an opponent out of the spot (although this is also possible). And “Hell” (C), although it blocks the passage or part of the plant, but for a very short time, and this ability is also easier to heal.
But the ultimate at Phoenix is very cool – with its help you can break into the plant and kill one or two opponents without risking your own life. In general, this is a good hero for a casual game, but for a competency his skills are unlikely to work – there are much more reliable options.
“Phoenix has a wide range of abilities useful for the team. Its fire wall is ideal for rush to point B on the Split map, and with a fireball you can control the positions of snipers on Bind and Heaven. However, these abilities will not help in defense because of their fragility, which does not allow Phoenix to be a solo opornik. His flash drives, unlike grenades in CS: GO, are limited to only two throwing trajectories, which is why their application is situational. The opportunity to restore your health is a pleasant, but insignificant bonus.
The ultimate can be considered really useful for the team, thanks to which Phoenix can check dangerous points and collect information or pick up the bomb that fell in the wrong place. “Phoenix is good at soloing and useful to the team, but it is still inferior to Raze as a solo duelist and Sage as a team player.”
All Viper skills are tied to acid, and two of them feed a resource called Toxin. With the help of the “Poisonous Cloud” (Q) and the “Toxic Veil” (E), you can block two passes at once and at the right time limit the view of the enemy. In addition, both skills cause damage, which once again delays the enemy.
The Snake Bite (C) also looks interesting. It helps to knock an opponent out of position or delay an enemy assault. “Viper Nest” (X) is a universal ultimate, with which you can clear a point from opponents and calmly put Spike. Or vice versa: activate the cloud and wait for the bomb to fire.
Due to the small stock of toxin, Viper has to choose when to use the skills. This is inconvenient for both the player and his allies. An adversary can simply guess the moment when Viper is left without a toxin. But I’m sure that Viper will find its place on the competitive stage: her skills are too good.
Waiting in the wings – Breach and Jett
Breach skills are very easy to dodge: they take too long to cast. For the entire month of playing Valorant, I met only one guy who competently pressed buttons on this character.
Breach is very easy to turn away from Blinding Charge (Q), the same applies to Crack (E) and Breakout (C). All three buttons tell your opponent the Breach position in advance, which he can easily take advantage of. It is also very easy to turn away from the coolest-looking ultimate (“Thunderclap”).
Jett feels good in attack and in arcades, but because of the set of skills it is easy to kill. Two main skills – “Rise” (Q) and “Fair wind” (E) – reveal plans to the enemy and partly give out the agent’s position. An experienced player will immediately understand that with Q sound you need to look above your head. And if you hear E, you can roughly imagine where Jett has moved.
You have to be very creative with Jett. The “Blade Storm” (X), even though it allows you to kill opponents quickly, is often useless due to the inability to shoot through walls, which is sometimes critically important.
As often happens, the balance of power can change just one patch – Raze already felt it on herself. However, it’s even more interesting. Who knows, suddenly there is a player who will open Phoenix or Jett from an unexpected direction, and they will immediately fly into the upper shooting range?